Monday, December 29, 2008

Hamas Starts it Again, Let Israel Finish it Now

Well, here we go again with more killings and the world will blame Israel as it usually does. The world (bleeding hearts) doesn't care about who really started it this time but it is now time for Israel to finish it once and for all. Someone once said that until your enemy begs for peace you must keep fighting and if you don't, you will only repeat this fight in the future. Make them want peace as the price they are paying is far to high even for them. If this means thousands die, I deeply regret this but the people have no one to blame but Hamas as they don't want peace.

The leaders of Hamas are not the friends of the common person as their hate of Israel is so great it has blinded then to what peace with Israel could mean. Hamas must be removed no matter what the world says as the bleeding hearts of the world have helped create this mess. Do any of us think if Texas was getting missile strikes daily we would talk or act to get them stopped. I would like to think we would have a President who would crush the people who are launching them. This talk to your enemy business reminds me of Chamberlain making a deal with Hitler and believing it would work. He learned the hard way and so did Israel by allowing a group like Hamas to exist and launch missiles against them.

As Iran supplies Hamas with many of the rockets, they are also fair game and Israel should go after their factories also. The US can help and if we don't, Israel should go alone knowing the American people support them.

When will the leaders of the world wake the hell up as to what Iran and Hamas want.

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Time is Almost Up and Mark Levin will Come for You when You Leave

Biden/Obama/Susan Rice/Kirby/Blinken and the rest of the swamp needs to go. They support Hamas and the killing of Jews just the same as Hitl...