Saturday, April 6, 2024

It is time for Americans to Save our Country - VOTE 2024

I haven't wanted to say this but the time has come where the Obama/Biden term must be removed from power. If anyone really thinks Joe is the president and making decisions, I have stock in Banana mines in AL. for sale. Biden doesn't have the brain power to put salt in a shaker much less be president. Over 80% of the Obama administration is working for Joe and they are either Communists or Socialists trying to destroy America. 

Many people I have spoken with are ready and have openly spoken about the possibility of having to take our country back by force. That is something my father told me over 60 years again as the government was taking our freedoms. Here was a man who was in WW2 and Korea vet saying this. Think of a few things the government has taken, health care is controlled by the government not us any longer. Something as simple as a light bulb is now controlled by the government, telling us to buy EV for our transportation. Controlling dishwasher construction, can't have a gas stove, get rid of gas lawnmowers, gas leaf blowers, and it just continues to expand.

Where does government control stop as our freedoms are leaving faster than NASCAR races. Our constitution is being shredded a little at a time. Biden/Obama do whatever they want no matter what the law says. If the Supreme Court decides a way they don't agree with, they just ignore and do whatever they wish. 

At what point will the Military step in and say enough as they are sworn in to Protect our Constitution from all including their own government. Our Country has been invaded and they allow it to happen. Millions come in and they have no idea who they are. Thousands of Chinese, terrorists from numerous countries are here now and when will the American people pay a price for Obama/Biden allowing it to happen. Does anyone really believe China doesn't know who is coming here or why?


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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...