Thursday, May 11, 2023

Freedom Lost

I am sick to death or this countries government as it has become like having a Fucking King telling us what we have to do, think, buy, and if we don't more freedoms are taken. This crap will only go on for so long before something really ugly happens and Marshall Law is declared. Washers, Dryers, Dish Washers, Cars and now telling power companies how to operate to clean the air.

There was an excellent Movie call"V" that was made and I have said it before and it came from this movie but so true. "People should not be Afraid of the Government, The government should be afraid of the People". That has been lost for many many years and it needs to be once again the rule and not the exception. This country is OURS not a bunch Elite's in Washington who tell us what to do, how to think and "We the People" are dumb enough to think they know best. Remember Clinton telling us the Government knew how to spend our money better then we the money earners do? What crap was that and how many people bought into that nonsense.

The government is crooked and will not change unless forced to. That time is coming and I hope soon before it is too late.

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...