Friday, March 31, 2023

Big Mistake

Arresting the ex-President is a very very big mistake for the liberals in America as they can almost assure themselves that he will once again become president. This only shows how far down our once great country has fallen. New York better know as the pit of trash crooked elected officials will convict Trump and he will Wim on appeal as so many laws are being broken to arrest him. Statue is up, Cohens own lawyer swore under oath he paid Stormy himself and Trump was not aware of it. Cohen was boot licking to stay in the good graces of Trump and the business. Remember, Cohen was the "Fixer" and he fixed.

The truth will come out and then maybe someone will look into what the Biden Crime Family has been doing all these years. Whey do you think China get a pass with Biden? He and his Crime Family have been paid off.

Everyone needs to stay calm and no violence as the Mental Midget would love to declare "Marshall Law" so he can take our guns. So long we have our guns, we are still somewhat safe from this crooked government. My father said to be armed as we will have to fight sometime again and that time has not arrived yet. Our freedoms are on shaky ground and we MUST watch. 

One more thing, January 6th crap is just that. I watched his speech and not once did he call from riots. The FBI has refused to state how many agents were there and what they did, Pelosi will not turn over emails, notes, or answer questions as to why she did not request help. Maybe the truth will come out but not now with the Liberals in Charge.  

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...