Saturday, August 6, 2022


We all need to do our best to avoid buying anything made in China from the Apple iPhone to toys sold by Target, Walmart and anyone else. Tools made there also go on the list. Our once great country has become a banana republic where we have to relay on those murders for far to many items people all over the world use.  

Need a Phone, see if Samsung makes any of their phones in China and I hope they don't. How to bring China back to being a country that isn't trying to take over the world, kill their economy. Show their people what a free country looks like. They murder muslins and yet the MIDDLE EAST is dead silent about it. Must be ok to do so as China has been doing it and not one country says much including the US

Computer chips need to come out of Taiwan and be made someplace else but by the same company as I have no desire to STEAL what they have invested billions in. China does that and much more. 

Wake up people of the world as China is no ones friend nor is the man I call Hitler JR. (Putin). India is the next country to avoid as they support the murder of women and children in Ukraine.

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