Tuesday, April 12, 2022

The World Should be Ashamed

The world should be ashamed of itself for not stopping this piece of crap. There is no difference between Hitler and Putin. Both are mass killers and the world sits on their collective ass again and watches as another country is destroyed. What the hell has changed. since Hitler was alive and took almost all of Europe, NOT A DAMN THING.  Only the names, as Biden is Chamberlin and Putin is Hitler. 

History will judge this killer as it judged Hitler and many of his soldiers will end up in prison if ever tried. Most times they will go to prison crying like the cowards they are. 

Ukraine will fight so give them whatever they want and dare the killer to do anything. He is NOT goin to use nuclear as he knows his country will no longer exist if he did. He loves himself far too much to risk it all. Biden and the others including the idiot Gen. Miley who has gotten about everything wrong makes decisions. 

We have very weak leaders or so called as they don't. Our country may not survive Biden and I will not be surprised. Biden is going to let Ukraine fall and the blood of those will be on his hands. Once problem, with his mind, he will not know or care.

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