Sunday, July 11, 2021


The FBI set itself up for disaster Sunday by posting a tweet encouraging Americans “to learn how to spot” signs of extremism among their friends and family members and then turn in those same friends and family members afterward.


“Family members and peers are often best positioned to witness signs of mobilization to violence. Help prevent homegrown violent extremism. Visit to learn how to spot suspicious behaviors and report them to the #FBI. #NatSec,” the federal agency tweeted.


The tweet provoked widespread, bipartisan backlash, mockery and insults, both from conservatives angry over the bureau’s uneven application of the law, and also from the true liberals who’ve always despised the security state.


The anger from the right stemmed from the glaring dichotomy between the Department of Justice’s obsession with the Jan. 6th riot at the U.S. Capitol and its utter lack of interest in the deadly Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots that occurred throughout all of last year (and are still ongoing in certain sectors of the country).


In fact, just last week the DOJ announced that they’re spending $6.1 million of taxpayer funds just to build a database of Jan. 6th evidence.

There’s no record of the department ever seeking out that sort of money to fund a database to compile all the evidence surrounding the months upon months of violent rioting by BLM and Antifa extremists.


Over on the left, true liberals — the type who read Glenn Greenwald and have been railing against the security state for decades — lambasted the FBI for its “lengthy, disgusting and pathetic history.”


This unsubstantiated gratitude seems to define the leftist mindset. After all, the FBI has been responsible for a plethora of recent screw-ups and failures — some of them deadly.

Most notably, the FBI dropped the ball on the Parkland shooter by failing to follow up on credible tips, thus effectively allowing the shooter to kill 17 people.


The FBI also recently broke down the door of, handcuffed and questioned a couple in a case of mistaken identity pertaining to the Jan. 6th riot.


The FBI used the fraudulent Steele dossier that was paid for by Hillary Clinton to spy on then-GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The FBI did nothing about Hunter Biden’s laptop, despite it reportedly containing copious amounts of evidence pertaining to his alleged crimes.


But the FBI did seize a “fully constructed U.S. Capitol Lego set” from a Jan. 6th rioter.


And yet the FBI still hasn’t determined who’d placed pipe bombs near the headquarters of the Democrat National Committee and the Republican National Committee.



The Staff: Asking family and friends to report what they hear about how their families think is very much like HITLER if the young people even know who he was. I once head a former Federal Attorney state to “Never talk to the FBI”. I have never forgotten that, and it is very sad the FBI is so dirty now and we can NEVER trust them

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