Friday, June 25, 2021

Biden’s creepy whispering at the press is disturbing. Did we mention creepy?

In fact, the president did this multiple times.

He started whispering the first time after being asked about the Americans who, for some inexplicable reason, are still waiting for relief (FYI, the pandemic is over).

“I got them $1.9 trillion in relief so far. They’re going to be getting checks in the mail that are consequential this week for childcare,” he whispered in response.He started whispering again later while addressing the complaints from partisan Democrats who oppose the infrastructure deal he’d reached earlier that afternoon with a bipartisan group of senators.

One of these partisans is Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy, who fired a warning shot earlier that day saying that he won’t vote for the deal unless it’s paired with a larger bill that addresses key Democrat demands, as reported by The Hill. One of these demands is reportedly for more investments in environmental projects.

Biden didn’t care for this pushback, and to convey this point, he suddenly broke into a whisper again.

“I wrote the bill on the environment. Why would I not be for it?” he whispered.

He started whispering a third time while addressing the factually accurate observation that the government’s overgenerous unemployment benefits have disincentivized work, thus leaving small businesses unable to find employees.

“Pay them more. This is an employee’s bargaining chip now,” he whispered.

Employers have been offering exorbitant pay and benefits, but it’s still not working because most people would, naturally, rather get paid average to do nothing than get paid a bunch to do something.

The whispering also caught the attention of Dan Bongino. Speaking on Fox News’ “Hannity,” he described the whispering as “creepy.”

“Yeah, I mean, can you really believe this guy’s the president of the United States? We have Rev. Kane from Poltergeist 2 who’s the president. Remember that guy? ‘He’s your mommy.’ Remember that? What’s with the creepy whispering? Is this one of those asthma things? What is he doing? It’s so creepy. Like you watch it and you want to cringe, you don’t know if you should turn it off or turn it up,” he said.

That being said, visually speaking, it seems like Biden most closely resembles Jack Nicholson’s character in the 1980 horror film “The Shining.” The thing about the president’s “creepy” behavior is that it’s essentially a norm for him.

Just last month, he practically flirted with a 7-year-old by praising her for looking “like she’s 19 years old, sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed.”

Days before that “creepy” fiasco, he drew criticism for the “creepy” way in which he described his meeting with deceased Minneapolis criminal suspect George Floyd’s 7-year-old daughter Gianna.

“The first thing she did when she ran in, she just threw her arms around me, gave me a big hug and wanted to sit in my lap,” he told members of the press.

“And we spent … she also loved the idea that … she said, ‘I’m really hungry.’ She said, ‘Do you have any snacks?’” he added.

A reporter then asked, “What did you give her?”

“Well, my wife would kill me. We gave her some ice cream, she had some Cheetos and I think she had some chocolate milk. I’m not sure,” the president replied.

 The description spawned accusations that he was being “creepy” again. Prior to being elected president, Biden repeatedly made “creepy” remarks that far too often involved children.

For instance, in a 2017 video clip that resurfaced during the 2020 presidential election, he could be seen and heard talking about how he’d “loved kids jumping” on his “lap” when he’d worked as a lifeguard in his younger days and describing how kids would “come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down.”

After watching a traditional Haitian dance at the Little Haiti Cultural Center in Miami last year, he told a group of teen girls that he planned to come back “to see them dancing when they’re four years older.”

A year earlier, after a 10-yer-old girl asked him a question, he got up close to her, massaged her shoulders and said, “I’m going to write you a longer answer and tell you the exact things I would do, okay? I’ll bet you’re as bright as you are good-looking.”

It’s not clear what in the world compels him to act this way.

The Staff: Biden is one sick person who loves Little Girls and doesn't hide it. 



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