Tuesday, May 4, 2021


 I am 72 now and my father told me when I was about 12 to 13 to be sure I was armed for the time would come when we would have to once again fight for our freedoms as he said they were being slowly taken. I thought he was wrong and told he so. He was so very right that many years ago as the time will come soon as the various governments, State, Local and the Federal Government are acting like dictators. They love the fact that "We the People" have behaved so well as they tell us to stay home, wear a mask, close your business, and the list goes on.   

It is NOT in the power of this government to TELL us as they are not KINGS with that kind of power. This government is and at least should be controlled by WE THE PEOPLE and not by some lifetime elected people who wish nothing but power to do as they wish. These are some of the same people who used OUR money to pay off sexual assaults on interns and others. Ever notice how quick that story went silent? The no news news media is helping control us and that crap needs to cease. This is to bad as this was once a wonderful place to live and I along with millions of others grew up in the best of times.

Today the young people will decide how far down the rat hole this country goes and the way it is looking, the bottom of that hole is rushing toward us. 30 TRILLION in debt and counting as once the GDP is less then the debt, the fat lady will sing Good-bye to America is it has been since 1776. 

  • If a country is unable to pay its debt, it defaults, which could cause a financial panic in the domestic and international markets. The higher the debt-to-GDP ratio, the less likely the country will pay back its debt and the higher its risk of default.

All this falls on BOTH parties and of course WE the People as WE have voted this crap to happen. YOU the People keep voting for people who wish to control you and so many of us are too damn stupid to see it. 


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