Sunday, April 18, 2021

How Do You Spell Asshole - Cuomo


CNN host Chris Cuomo began his Friday monologue with a frustrated rant about a lack of police reforms following the shootings of two young black males, saying that nothing will change until white children start getting killed.

As he began, Cuomo recounted several recent shootings, including one in Indianapolis at a FedEx facility on Thursday in which the young white male gunman, Brandon Hole, killed eight people and wounded several others before killing himself, before going on to suggest that the frequency of the incidents has created an ‘us versus them’ mentality that is now gripping much of society.

Cuomo then told the audience they are aware of what will really change the dynamic in society regarding police interactions with the public.

“Shootings, gun laws, access to weapons. Oh, I know when they’ll change. Your kids start getting killed, white people’s kids start getting killed,” Cuomo said. “Smokin’ that doobie that’s actually legal, probably, in your state now, but they [police] don’t know what it was and then the kid runs and, pop, pop, pop pop! Cop was justified. ‘Why’d you run?’ Oh, he had a baseball game tonight. White kid, big family, oh, that house over there.”

“Those start pilin’ up?” Cuomo continued, taking on the persona of a white parent. “‘What is going on with these police? Oh..wha… Maybe we shouldn’t even have police!’ That kind of mania, that kind of madness…that’ll be you. That’ll be the majority.”

He went on to suggest that if blacks begin to accumulate firearms “and form militias to protect themselves — can’t trust the deep state! — hoo, hoo. You’ll see a wave of change, in access and accountability. We saw it in the ’60s. That’s when it changes. Cause that’s when it’s you.”

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From there, the host accused Americans of simply dismissing the waves of tragedy while suggesting that the media, including himself, tend to get caught up in the most recent incidents.

“We pretend that we’re not just seeing the same lying and lack of leading and bleeding and death and pain, new names, new faces, new places…same problems. You know it, I know it. I know that you know,” he said.

“The testing, the voting, the vaccines, the dying, the shooting, the drugs, the suicides, the teaching, the testing of education…all of it,” he added. “It all hits the poor, and the poor of color the worst, and we know it. And we’ve always known it.”

To close, Cuomo suggested that Americans need to come together in order to solve the problem.

“Us and them, us and them. There’s never a solution that doesn’t begin with we. We, the people,” he said. “The solution is not less, but more. More people more enabled to do more with talent to make more pie for all of us. That is the only way that this country ever approaches what she is supposed to be.”

Cuomo’s comments were blasted online by several users, many of whom noted that whites are also killed by police but their stories aren’t broadcast wall-to-wall on cable news programs for days on end.

The Staff: maybe this CNN a-hole will donate one of his kids or his idiot brothers kids to be killed to try to even the numbers. Just how damn stupid is this CNN host that he would say something like that at this time or anytime. This is giving black American the ok to start killing white people and if he is trying to start a Race War, keep this crap up you Moran. You defend BLM and Antifa for killing, burning and say nothing about a white child or person being shot by police. Doesn't fit you social agenda. You and your murdering brother are trash, just ask the people who lost loved ones in the nursing homes.

If CNN was not a Liberal cesspool they would fire that SOB for saying something like that but I have become use to CNN and their collective lies and crap. 


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