Monday, July 27, 2020

America the Flag and FREEDOM

This will be brief as I will make a comment about the Flag and who I feel is not only disrespecting the American Flag but all the men and women who died to protect our country. To me the Flag is a symbol for ALL Americans and not just the people who fought under it to protect those who want to destroy this country.

It is very sad that the rioters and others who want to bring this country down such as Bernie Sanders (communist), AOC and so many others. Remember, just a few days ago dear Bernie was quoting Karl Max. If he so loves that form of government, move to Russia/China and enjoy what time you have left.

Today I saw where the WNBA players walked out during the National Anthem and now they have joined a list of people who know so very little about history and as a sport they NO LONGER EXIST to me as mixing sports and protest is not what I wish to watch. They should feel bad as I have also left Baseball which I played for 15 years and moved on from the Direct TV NFL Ticket. Racing is still on my radar as they don't kneel for anyone and they LOVE this country with all the frogs we have.

Covid has made me move away from sports and funny, I don't miss it as much as I thought I would and it made it very easy to wave goodby to the spoiled players. I remember when the World Series was canceled and now they fought over money and how they won't play unless they get a lions share during Covid-19. It is just a GAME.

Now to the rioters, they need to be very careful as We the People are the silent majority and sooner or later someone will provide payback for all the damage they have been doing. There was a Japenese Admiral who was said to have made a comment like "I fear we have woke the Sleeping Dog" after Pearl Harbor. Should the rioters continue and the mayors or governors fail to stop this, I fear We the People will.

Fifty years ago my father (Lt Commander) said we would have to fight for freedoms again and I now believe he was right. When the government can no longer or WILL no longer do their job and protect American from being takeover by Thugs, murderers, along with those who wish to destroy what was once the best country in the world, those among us who can will have to step up and defend American.

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...