Friday, May 29, 2020

Minnesota a Third World State

You have let your city burn and looted by a bunch of thieves, punks, and white/black trash. If you notice I said "WHITE/BLACK" trash as this has happened for too many time. You always see this happen when a Black person is either shot, beat up, assaulted in some manner by the authorities.  How many times have we seen a White Person killed or assaulted by police with riots to follow? Almost NEVER and if that sounds racist, so be it.

Once this happens, residents or whoever they are start to riots and the police will not stop this crap as the mayor or others tell them to back off. You can't let the inmates take control as you will see those areas destroyed. Does anyone really think this will help, hell no and it only makes things worst.

Police need to stand up to the rioters and if needed SHOOT A FEW to make a point as we cannot allow a small group destroy a city. What business would ever want to open again in these areas where no police protection takes place. One business owner shot and killed one looter in his store and good for him. Have no idea if the person killed was black or white and it doesn't make a damn difference as both are breaking the law.

I remember years ago when I was much younger there was a rumor of a protest/riot was going to happen in an area called Old Orchard outside of St Louis and the residents armed themselves on the roof tops. Word was put out it would not allow riots. Nothing happened and no trouble. Another time I was working in Kansas City, KS and problems were happening on Main Street and the police asked we leave for safety.The chief then advise if anyone started riots, they would be shot, PERIOD. The chief was a black man and that area was mostly black but he would not allow his city to be damaged by a few trouble makers.

If police cannot or will not take control, maybe it is time for people tired of this crap to stop it by force. Yes, some will die and that is so very sad but when do you say enough.

If I was an owner of any store burned out in MN, St Louis, CA, Louisville or any town that allows this to happen, never go back and rebuild. I remember CVS, burning in St Louis, now AutoZone, Target, and many others in various towns. Please do not go back and rebuild in those area. The reason people burn in only certain areas is they know most owners will not protect their property by force.


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