Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Not My Favorite but Showed She Has some BALLS

As any Republican who has been disappointed by her knows, it is rare to have Maine Sen. Susan Collins go hard against the Democrats.
But on Tuesday, the moderate, quasi-leftist Republican was breathing fire against her Democratic Senate colleagues.

It marked two days in a row that the Senate Democrats, led by Minority Leader Charles Schumer, blocked coronavirus stimulus packages from advancing.
When Collins asked to speak Tuesday, Schumer objected, which prompted Collins to walk up to him with a pointed finger and say, “You are objecting to my speaking? This is appalling!”
Senate chamber boils over.

- Sen. Collins asked to speak, Schumer objected.
- Sen. Cotton shouted, "C'mon", "This is bullshit!"
- Collins walked thru her row to Schumer - stood a foot or so away, finger pointed, exclaimed, "you are objecting to my speaking? This is appalling!"

When Collins got to the floor of the chamber and had her chance to speak, she torched the Democrats.

“I cannot believe that the answer to this crisis – as we move to address the economic consequences that are so severe for the people of this country – that the answer from our friends on the other side of the aisle is delay, delay, delay. No sense of urgency. No hurry,” she said.
We are in the midst of a crisis in our country caused by the coronavirus. When it comes to Americans’ health and saving Americans’ jobs and our small businesses, we don't have another day. We don't have another hour. We don't have another minute to delay acting.

She then directed her fury at Schumer and the fact that he objected to her speaking.
“Here we are facing an enemy that is invisible but equally devastating to the health of our people and to the health of our economy,” she said.

“And yet unbelievably the Democratic leader objected to my even being able to speak this morning. Is this what we’ve come to?
“The Democratic leader objected to our convening at 9 o’clock this morning so that we could begin working in earnest. Is that what we’ve come to?” she said.
But Collins got most passionate when she began discussing the urgency of the crisis America is facing.
“We don’t have another day. We don’t have another hour. We don’t have another minute to delay acting,” the senator said.

“How can any of us want to see millions of Americans lose their paychecks, their health insurance, their contributions to their retirement plans? We have a package that’s part of this broader legislation,” she said.
Her speech drew the ire of one Democrat in particular — the former bartender from New York, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Senator Collins can keep her crocodile tears,” she said. “She voted & fought HARD to strip pandemic prep funding. She helped drive the lack of preparation that we had leading up to this.”
“What’s actually disgraceful is her ‘I’m a Moderate Lady’ dance to cover up brutal policies and vote,” she said. can keep her crocodile tears.

She voted & fought HARD to strip pandemic prep funding. She helped drive the lack of preparation that we had leading up to this.

What’s actually disgraceful is her “I’m a Moderate Lady” dance to cover up brutal policies and votes. 

Collins voted for the GOP tax scam.
She voted to appoint Kavanaugh.
She’s defending an utterly corrupt bill to shower public money on friends and donors.

Susan Collins is not a moderate. She just plays one on TV.

Nice story AOC — too bad it is not what we’re talking about today. In this situation, it doesn’t matter how Collins, or anyone, has voted in the past.
What matters is that Americans are suffering today. The ones who do not know where their next paycheck is coming from or if they will be covered by insurance.

It matters that businesses could crumble, and the economy could be wrecked, all because the Democrats want to win an election in November.
What they did on Sunday and Monday was loathsome and they have shown no signs of changing.
They don’t care about the American people, the economy or getting cash into the hands of those who need it.
Make no mistake, they care about one thing — and that thing is power and how to get more of it.

Sen. Collins called them on it, and they are feeling the sting.
The Staff: Thank you Ms. Collins and remember how you were treated later when the Democrats NEED you.

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