Saturday, December 14, 2019

Morning Asshole Joe

According to Breitbart News, MSNBC "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough suggested House Democrats slow down the impeachment process, saying if he had it his way, it would be like "Chinese water torture."
Scarborough said Democrats should "call the Republicans' bluff" and slow the process down over weeks and months by bringing out the likes of Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels to testify against Trump, who the MSNBC host added has "committed crimes."
"I would play it out. It would be Chinese water torture over weeks and months," Scarborough advised. "And Donald Trump, you know what I'd do? I'd be like George H.W. Bush in the '88 campaign against Michael Dukakis — 'We're going to have environmental week.' Except for the Democrats, it'd be we're going to have Stormy Daniels week. We're going to bring Stormy Daniels in."
"We're going to get Cohen out of jail, saying, 'You're in jail because you did what? You're in jail because you helped the president in a conspiracy to violate a federal election law that would have landed him in jail. Oh, OK.' So this is Stormy Daniels week. You know what next week is? Next week is Sergey Lavrov week. And I would just do it week after week after week." 
Staff: It is hard to believe that this asshole was once a Republican but he lost his election and went to the dark side. I may wrong but he gave up his principles for a good piece of ass. 
Where was this kiss ass when Hilary was wiping her hard drive, paying the Russians for made up dirt, smashing all phones that would have put her fat ass in jail and so much more. I have avoided writing anything up till now but the communists/democrats are trying to destroy our country. Educators are no longer neutral in teaching but have also moved to the communists/democratic teachings which is slowly killing the America many of use to know.   

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...