Friday, July 19, 2019

Truth Hurts Omar

New Ilhan Omar Photo With BOTH Husband And Ex-Husband SHOCKS America

Take a look at this CREEPY Picture
A new picture has emerged that purports to show Representative Ilhan Omar with both of her husbands at the same time, after President Trump and others have suggested that her second husband is actually her brother.

This would make one strongly suspect that Omar’s repeated denials may indeed be false, and her second husband may indeed be her brother.
Her story is very odd, primarily because Omar has failed to explain completely the apparent overlap between her first and current husband, Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi and her second and ex-husband Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.
Either way Ms. Omar has some explaining to do.
Via the Daily Mail:
When she married her second husband, a British national who had just arrived in the U.S., legal documents appear to show she was still living with her first husband.
And the trio all reportedly went off to live together in Fargo while Omar and her second husband were studying at the University of North Dakota.
It also appears that Omar’s father Nur Said Elmi Mohamed has the same name as her second husband’s father. He attended Arlington Senior High School in Minnesota and multiple former classmates say that is also the name of his father.
This does seem rather odd, but my guess is you’ll see very little coverage of this from the mainstream media.

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...