Friday, December 23, 2016

Obama Going Out In Style

Well the ass Obama has once again stuck it to Israel and will be known as the ONE American president who turned his back on the only freely elected country in the Middle East. Not only has he treated the leader of that country as a second rate person but now he has allowed the countries that do not have free elections, treat women like cows at best and support our enemies all the while we say nothing. We continue to provide them with weapons, aid and yet Obama makes Israel kiss his ass. 

Once I thought I could write on this Blog without swear words but I can't think of a better adjective for this weak sister of a leader. It hurts to even think the the people of this country elected such a LIAR as Obama. He has tried to destroy our country but we were warned when he stated he was going to change America.  Well he did, he made it MUCH MUCH worse. We are no longer respected by most countries and I understand. How can you trust a country who draws a RED LINE about chemical weapons and then the line turns YELLOW like his back. 

His beloved wife says there is no hope but little does she know we NOW have hope as her LIAR of a husband is leaving. I can still remember this jerk laughing about "NO SHOVEL READY JOBS" during the stimulus. Came in lying and going out the same and worse. 


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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...