Friday, September 16, 2016

Birther Crap

Trump did not bring this up again but some damn reporter did to harm Trump. I for one also wondered where Barrack was born as he buried almost everything about his past. Some of it will never be known and the America people should wonder.

This is all history and has been for a very long time. Remember Obama has never released information about his college days, school records or many other things.

Does anyone remember when they challenged John McCain as he was born in the Canal Zone? This is all crap because Hillary needs so much help. This is NOT RACIST and if they continue to claim such, what happened to Ted Cruz as he was born in Canada but no one calls it RACISTS when they talk about this.

Hillary is demanding an apology from Trump and I for one will tell her to "KISS MY ASS" as she and her lying husband are the grandmasters of lying. Remember slick bill and his willey lost his law license for lying under oath. Neither one of then know or care what the truth is.


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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...