Saturday, May 7, 2016

Sick of Trump but Hillary, REALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As I stated earlier I would not vote for Trump but realty has set in. Either I vote for Trump, vote for Hillary the liar or not vote. Not voting is no different than voting for a woman who has has taken lying to an art form and would destroy our country more than the community organizer has.

Everyday now I hear about another republican not voting for Trump. Just to name a few, Graham, Bush, Bush, Bush, Romney and so on. Well guys, why don't you just vote for Hillary and get it over. Trump insulted just about everyone on this planet and that may have included his mother. We all need to get over it and decide if we are going to take a chance on an unknown or Hillary who we do know as absolute disgusting. She and her sexual predator husband have no business being back in power. Can you imagine Bill being around interns?

I am ashamed of the Bush family and they will not vote for Trump. I voted for the elder Bush and George and still believe he was an excellent president and we needed his steady hand. He is a good man but his family is wrong not to vote for Trump. Jeb, I understand him hating Trump as he was destroyed in the debates by Trump and no one would like that. To Jeb I would say, MAN UP and SUCK IT UP as many other Americans are having to.

Graham, Nice man but I don't care for as a senator so no surprise here. Won't enjoy it but WILL have to vote for Trump and hope his choice for VP is excellent. Would like to hear who will be Attorney General and hope whoever it is will really enforce the law. Secretary of Defense, General Jack would be great. Problem here, would have Trump listen to someone who knows more than him? Not sure he would as ego would have to be controlled. Would have suggested Graham also but after what he has said, he is too self centered to assist Trump in rebuilding the military.  

Well, the bottom line is suck it up vote for Trump or get ready for PRESIDENT HILLARY. Remember whoever gets elected will get to replace 3 or 4 Supremes. I am old enough that won't affect me but anyone younger than 55 will feel the pain of lost rights, lost freedoms, and a country no one will know. 

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...