Sunday, November 15, 2015

Trump Again

How many of you are tired of Trump and his mouth? Paris is attacked and Fox News can't wait to get his opinion. What in the world does he have to offer except what he says he would do. Who cares at this time as all he does is run his mouth to tell us how great he is and how bad Dr. Carson is.

If Fox wanted to get someone one who really has some experience, ask the generals or former CIA agents but not some builder. Trump and Hillary are no different except one wears a dress of Pants Suits. Hillary was in charge during the killing of our men in Libya and did nothing even after Chris ask for MORE security over 600 times. Do you really want her or Trump to get that 3am call. We saw what Hillary did and men died. Donny talks big but always has.

Fox should ask Dr. Carson, Jeb, Marco or the others what they would do. Getting tired of FOX kissing Trumps ass and acting like his personal TV network. Be fair to the others or stop claiming you are.


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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...