Sunday, July 19, 2015


Some of what Donny says is accurate and the people appreciate him saying things the others running refuse to do because of the reaction. We once had another telling us the truth and the media killed any chance of him winning. Mr, Goldwater was a VERY good man and some may remember him.

Trump, well he crossed the line by speaking about McCain. For some who didn't serve and never went through what he did should shut up. I do not support McCain and believe he should not run again and shouldn't have the last time. We have many in congress who need to go and have never served our country as he did. No he wasn't a hero like John Wayne in movies, Ike in WW2 or the young man who covered a grenade to save his fellow soldiers. He endured years of torture because he was shot down. He had the strength of character that most of us will never know if we do.

Donny, let us torture you and beat you to see if you can endure and go on to serve our nation. McCain was a hero to the other soldiers with him and may have saved some of their lives by being strong when others would have folded.

I was willing to look at you as a candidate for president, but not now. I agree with a lot you say but you need to speak about what can help our country and not take shots at others until you walk in their shoes.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...