Monday, April 27, 2015

Animals Again Burn Their Town

Well, here we go again with black punks burning stores in THEIR area because some police department may have killed a black youth. I say May as right now no one knows for sure but it looks very bad. I won't defend the police as I have no idea what happened yet and until I do I will with hold judgement. Should the police be found to be guilty of killing this young man, use the FULL extent of the law to punish them. Burning buildings, stores in your community will not help and if I owned any of those business, I would NEVER come back to those areas.

You ever notice that when a black person is killed and justice or knowing what happened is slow coming such as Ferguson, the black punks burn their own town. Sharpton will be there soon and tell everyone how he wants to help. That liar is in it for himself and does't gave a damn about the community. That SOB should be in jail for evading TAXES but he is a friend of the other failed leader know as Barrack (Barry) Obama.  

Instead of allowing this crap to happen, shot a few and if they want to get in a gunfight, so be it. Block off the area and call in the National Guard and armored cars to deal with this. I for one am sick of this and I don't care if they are black, while, red or whatever. No one group should be allowed to do this and it MUST stop.

Shoot the punks and make them pay. The mayor is a joke, the governor is a coward and is failing to call up the guard just like that piece of crap Nixon in Missouri.

If they want to act like animals, drop them like a rabid animal.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...