Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Muslim President

Americans can now be proud they have finally elected a Muslim President. Yes I know that may not be known to many but how else can you not say the word "Islamist Extremist" unless you are a Muslim and maybe even a closet supporter of their movement. How many Christians, Jews, and yes Muslims have to die before this weak sister gets some balls and does what America has always done. We free and save oppressed people no matter what religion they follow.

He is such a traitor to the American way of life and as he said, he was going to change America forever. Well, he won't but he can damage it while in office and he is doing that the best he can. From the economy being crappy still with millions out of work to as they say "underemployed".

Does anyone remember the "Shovel Ready Jobs" and how he smiled when he said I guess they weren't many? What a lightweight the liberal left and some bleeding heart moderates elected because he was black. Well folks, happy with what you got? Who cares if he was black, white, pink or anything so long as he cared about this country and its people. It was his job to make our lives better then when he took office. HE HAS FAILED IN ALL ACCOUNTS. Watch the movie "DAVE" and you will understand what the president is supposed to do.

We have a coward for a leader, inexperienced advisers like Susan Rice, Valeria Jarrett and they get to play Generals while our country is laughed at and no longer respected. Bob Gates and Leon left as they couldn't put up with the Muslim President and his attempt to destroy our country. Even Hagel couldn't stand what was going on and he showed some courage that I didn't expect. When he wouldn't go along with the release of the terrorists from Gitmo, he was FIRED.

This fake president has no knowledge of history and compares the Crusades to ISIS. What in the world is this idiot thinking or maybe that is the problem, he doesn't think. As a person who majored in history, I can't remember children being hung during the crusades or the many other atrocities that are going on now. He also can't count as that was years ago and most of the world has become civilized.

2016 is coming and maybe we can hold on till then. If not, we will watch more of the middle east go up in flames thanks to this fake leader. He is a liar and and trying to destroy our country. Our parents and grandparents fought to keep us free and allow us to seek our destiny. Now this Obama person wants the government to control everything while the world goes to hell.


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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...