Friday, August 9, 2013

Florida school bus Beating

It really doesn't surprise anyone about Jackson, Sharpton and their like keeping quite about three black PUNKS beating up a white boy for telling school authorties about one of them selling grass. If it had been the other way around, they'd want to convene a grand jury and have marches.

When will the people wake the hell up and realize those clowns are not what we need to help our nation  become one people and be honest about why this happens. They live for a divide between the races and if there isn't one, they wouldn't have a platform to make money on.

Can anyone remember when three white students beat up a black student for telling authorties about drug sales. These little darlings will someday end up in prison unless they are shown NOW where they are headed.

Wake up black Americans as YOU are the problem for following the likes Jackson, Sharpton and the loud mouths in Hollywood. Look to good role (Allen West, Ms. Rice, Mr. Powell)  models to follow, not people who lie (Sharpton), cheat on their wife (Jackson). Ole Jesse taught his son very well didn't he!!!!! 

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...