Thursday, December 8, 2011

Obama/Senate/Congress at Fault

I have tried not to say something that is not kind but this butt head is deserving everything said about him as a liar and joke of a president who is trying to ruin the country. This liar speaks like everything was Bush's fault the fault of congress and everyone except him.  

Does anyone remember Sen. Hagel from Neb.? He tried to pass a bill that would have stopped the funny loans coming from Fannie/Freddie that  the democrats/republicans were turning their eyes from as too what was going on. Loans to people who could not afford to make the payments, fraudulent loans papers, protesters at banks forcing bad loans, protesters at bank employee homes, and threats to others. Republicans and Democrats alike bear responsibility for our economy and BOTH are still screwing it up. 

Everyday we have to listen to this liar speak and it makes me want to puke as he has no idea what the truth is. 

Our country was founded to rid ourselves of a King but now we have King Obama. This clown would love to turn our country into a socialists/communists country if he could and on his way. Over forty years ago my father a veteran of WW2 and Korea told me to be ready for another revolution as we were losing our freedoms. At that time I told him he was wrong and I now agree with him. The day may come when the people have reached the point where they realize they are no longer free and rise up to take back our country.  

The american people have a very short attention span and  far too many enjoy being taken care of by the government to make a change at this time. Until someone tells the people to get off their lazy ass as the free ride is over nothing will change. I for one am sick of being told I OWE people because I have more, I tell them to piss off. I lived in my car and than built a business to almost a million a year before Fannie/Freddie/Congress screwed up our country. The government screwed up our country and need to get the hell out of "We the Peoples" way so we can save our country in spite of them.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...