Sunday, October 2, 2011

From the Brits to Obama, Think He Noticed When They Flew Over

Pay attention to the message in the aircraft formation

                               SPECIAL HARRIER JETS FLY-BY SALUTE TO OBAMA: 

In case Obama didn't understand how the Brits felt 
when he sent the bust of Churchill back to England, a gift from the English during the Bush administration.

These pilots have not forgotten Obama's disrespect for America's friend and ally. 
YOU HAVE TO LOOK REALLY CLOSE IT SPELLS OUT 2 WORDS Harrier jets fly past special salute to Obama to a select few. 

ENJOY the Brits humor on Obama's last visit. They will never forget nor forgive! The Brits may be prim and proper but they still get their point across.
 Harrier jets' flypast (fly-bys) over Downing Street in a air show salute to Obama. 

It's good to see the RAF have a sense of humor. 
Look at it from an angle or lean back in your chair, and squint; squinting works best.

The Staff: Thank you from all Americans who still have pride in this country, to the others who don't, kiss off.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...