Thursday, May 13, 2010

AZ. and Immigration

As some our idiot leaders are calling for boycotts against AZ. lets boycott those states until they decide to support the laws. As the federal government won't enforce the laws (both parties) it is the states rights to do so.

States to Boycott: California

California is bankrupt and will be asking the rest of us to bail them out. To hell with them as they got themselves into this mess and they can get out of it themselves. Arnold wants the illegals in, let them pay there own bills (foods stamps, healthcare, school cost). The unions and state government have brought this upon themselves by wild spending, they can make cuts to stop the bleeding.

If New York is next, let them fall or they should cut their spending to live within their means. We the People have to live within our means unless we are here as illegals and then the rest of us pay their bills. Our government has allowed this to happen (both parties) and now we have to bail out our own government due to their fiscal irresponsibility. We need to vote the bums out who have brought our country to this point. THIS MEANS BOTH PARTIES.

As more states kiss ass to the illegals and boycott AZ., I will keep adding those gutless states as I can. Someone recently said the Democrats want the votes from these people and the Republicans want the cheap labor. I agree and couldn't have said it better.

Reagen gave amnesty to 20 million years ago and said we would secure the boarder. Never happened and here we are again. If the government doesn't stop this invasion, maybe it is time "We the People" do something to stop the invasion ourselves. Our government has failed and continues to do so. At what point do we say enough and do it ourselves?


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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...