Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Health Care - The Screwing of America

After trying to read only a small section of the so called health care bill, I want to arm myself and get ready to fight for the freedom of having my family receive care when needed from the doctor I SELECT and go to the hospital I SELECT. Reading only a small portion I realized what I have been hearing is correct, THE IS A MAJOR POWER GRAB BY THE GOVERNMENT.

These clowns even mention control over the purchase of Guns, Ammunition, where they are stored, etc. in a HEALTH CARE BILL Remember, when the government takes our right to bear arms we will no longer be able to decide or freedoms. The bastards, yes I used a bad word but they deserve it and far more then I will say.

To say they are traitors to the Constitution is mild as Obama the Traitor has already shredded the laws by taking over Banks, Car companies, not following bankruptcy laws. The congress, well they are just a bunch of dirt bags and would anyone really miss them if they just went away. One good thing would be Washington couldn't screw up anything else.

Remember what this joke of a president said:

"My Friends: We live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it".
Well, all the idiots who couldn't see what he was and voted for this clown should be happy now. Just think, you have screwed over your children, grandchildren, parents and last but not least, yourselves.
Your children will live in a second rate country, your grandchildren will be living in poverty as they try to pay for the clowns debt he is loading on them. Oh, if you think rich people will stick around to get hosed, think again. They didn't get rich to see it taken to pay for people too lazy to get off their butts and earn a living. I don't want to hear I've had it easy, hell, I lived in my car at one time and worked daily jobs to live until I got my act together.
I remember working at a finance (70's) company and seeing people receive ADC, work full time, drive caddies and yet they lived in government housing. Yep, a bunch of free loaders then and we have the same thing now. Remember Detroit, thousands showed up for "OBAMA'S MONEY", hell they are to stupid to understand it isn't the chosen ones money, IT IS OUR MONEY AND WE WORK DAMN HARD FOR IT. Now we get to watch while it is flushed (wanted to use the P word) away just like some many past congress have done.
It is not only the Dem's who have screwed up our country but the Republicans get the heat also.
You idiots in congress need to FIX HEALTH CARE, not screw up this country any more then you have already. I could select 10 people who could come up with a better bill and NOT STICK IN ANYTHING IN IT EXCEPT HEALTH CARE.
Anyone who votes for this monster, be aware, WE THE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO "VOTE THE BUMS OUT", get ready, time is short for you.
I sincerely hope someone out there has the balls to comment as to what We the People can come up with to write a better bill with Tort reform, insurance across state lines or even GET THE SAME HEALTH CARE CONGRESS HAS". If it is so great, why did congress exempt themselves from this bill just as they do with ALL bills.
Any Congressman or Senators care to comment on the last item? You're all a bunch of traitors to freedom and it will cost you big.

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 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...