Friday, September 27, 2024

Careful Trump

Many Americans do not support your position on Ukraine as we remember what happened when Chamberlin kissed Hitlers ass to appease him before WW2 blew up. How dumb do you have to be not to take Putin at what he said about reforming the old USSR. 

Trust Putin and you will put us in WW3 in the future as NATO will have to defend Poland or the Baltic countries from him. Spend the dollars now or spend later but Putin MUST BE STOPPED.


Former President Donald Trump is stepping up his criticism of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, claiming that the Ukrainian president "refuses to make a deal" with Moscow some 31 months after the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Republicans in Congress are following Trump's lead, many now refusing to meet with Zelensky during his visit to Capitol Hill.

I agree with the Ukraine leader, would we give up part of TX if Mexico invaded and took part? How can we ask Ukraine to give up part of their country to a butcher like Putin. The US and UK started we would protect them if they gave up their Nuclear weapons and here we are. Our word must stand for something or we are just a joke.  

Not sure I can vote for Trump but never vote for Chuckles as she is brain dead. Will decide at the last moment.

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Remove Iran Nuclear

The statement (red) below is such crap it makes one laugh. If Iran didn't want more killing all they had to do was not support Hamas and...