Thursday, August 8, 2024


The coming election will either help save the America we have grown up knowing or will move forward to Communism (government controls all). They can claim socialism but they try hide the word I have used. Our country was founded on FREEDOM FOR ALL and we fought and many died to get there. If Harris and what's his name get elected, freedom will be lost forever. This idiot wants to take all control of our health care, force us to EV's, and this is only the start. Some have talked about charging us for driving our cars by putting a meter somewhere so they can track and bill us for the mileage. Where in our fucking consitution does it allow big brother to do this. 

Big brother is trying to become the answer to all at the loss of our freedoms. Sooner or later groups of freedom loving Americans will say enough and take up arms to fight for OUR freedoms given us in the in the Constitution. When will the Army step forward as they took an oath to defend our constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Domestic is our own government who is slowly taking our freedoms.

Healthcare, freedom to choose, gas stoves, dish washers, dryers, your frig. and the list is much longer. Type of car, and remember if they can tell us what type of healthcare we can have, the end is in site if it does not stop. Where and when, time will tell.

Harris helped bail out those who burned our city, the MN clown shut down schools and harmed our children and ruined MN. 


She and her lib buddy are just as scary for Americas future.

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