Sunday, May 12, 2024

Time is Almost Up and Mark Levin will Come for You when You Leave

Biden/Obama/Susan Rice/Kirby/Blinken and the rest of the swamp needs to go. They support Hamas and the killing of Jews just the same as Hitler did so many years ago. I except them to soon start building gas ovens so they can dispose of the jewish bodies. Sooner or later the world will wake to the true feeling this administration has toward the jewish people and I can only hope it is sooner. 

Any liberal who supports Hamas must be removed from any position of power and made an example of.  Just think if the killing that took place in October happened here, would Biden do anything? The answer is HELL NO as he doesn't care one bit about the American people or any people who stand up against Hamas or similar groups.  

Biden administration has now stopped sending "Smart Bombs" so now the Israel must use bombs they just drop and hope they go where they wanted instead of controlling and placing on the target. Talk about a stupid ass group of clowns.

Everyone must be ready to defend your home, your family and maybe your country as the group in DC are incapable of protecting the American people. We see that everyday and it may get worse. Protect yourself as our founding father gave us that right and so far the liberals have not been able to take that but continue to try.

I can only hope not only Biden goes but it can be proven Obama/Rice and others sold our country out and can spend some time in court.

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