Tuesday, August 17, 2021

No one Wants to Listen to You Joe, your a Coward and Have gotten Thousands Murdered

Don't bother talking to the country as you're a waste and not a leader who can be trusted to protect American Soldiers or citizens. Listening to the midget in July about how the military would function. 

I thought Jimmy Carter was bad but the mental midget makes him look brilliant. That is such a sad statement but so true. A bunch of "Low Information Voters" (thanks Rush) put this group of clowns in and the rest of us suffer and American is that Banana Republic I have written about in the past. Our country has become a Communists country and very few people can see it and yet my father did over 50 years ago when he said to be armed as We the People will have to once more fight for freedom and this time at home. Our government is becoming the enemy of the people and many don't even know or see it. 

Remember the frog you put in water and then turn the heat on, it sits there while it is boils to death. This is what if happening to us, the government is slowly taking our rights a little at a time so we tend not to see it coming till it is too late.    

We the People can no longer trust anything coming from DC as the majority is crooked and only interested in themselves and the power they can get.

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Time is Almost Up and Mark Levin will Come for You when You Leave

Biden/Obama/Susan Rice/Kirby/Blinken and the rest of the swamp needs to go. They support Hamas and the killing of Jews just the same as Hitl...