Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Understand Pence

 He wants to run for president in 2024 and I understand him not fighting real hard. He has been a good VP but based on the gutless acts of so many republicans, I will no longer support any with dollars as I did this time but just save my money. Years ago and fools on the so called supreme court ruled money is free speech. What assholes as MONEY BUYS ELECTIONS as we have found out on a very large scale. 

Fraud, dead people, bogus ballots and judges who supported Biden instead of the constitution have destroyed this countries elections. We are truly a BANANA REPUBLIC as I have said before. Get armed as violence coming and you will need to protect yourself and family. 

My father (Ret. Lt Commander) was right over 50 years ago when he told me to be armed as they are taking your freedoms. Never believed it would happen but with this election and how crooked it was showed me how wrong I was and right he was. 

Free America has died and I can only say, I have lived at the best of times as it is a downhill ride now. 

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 I can't say it any better, BIDEN YOUR A F--ING BRAIN DEAD MORAN. You and your damn Climate Change has caused the CA fires only show wha...