Monday, May 11, 2020

Biden's Son Made Millions from RED CHINA

China’s Communist Government Gave A Chilling Warning. This Could Mean War
There’s one smoking gun that America needs to investigate immediately. This goes beyond anything that they have done before. China’s communist government gave a chilling warning.  This could mean war. The list of China’s normal crimes could fill a textbook.
A Chinese McDonalds recently banned people of African descent from entering their building, pastors are imprisoned for their faith, perhaps millions of Muslims have been sent for “re-education” and China was recently reported to the UN as selling prisoners’ organs after they were executed, making over a billion in profit.
They can hardly be considered a “progressive” country. Even without the coronavirus crisis it was high time for America to consider its partnership with China considering its human right violations. China wants to be a global superpower and if they succeed in their goal they’ll have the power to treat the rest of the world as badly as they do their own citizens.
At the beginning of the coronavirus crisis China’s Communist government prioritized protecting their imagine instead of protecting their people, they lied to the international community so that they could hoard protective gear and silenced doctors who tried to tell the world what was going on.
China knows that there will be a price to pay for their actions. It will be even worse for them if it emerges that the virus was released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology where China was studying coronavirus of horseshoe bats under conditions that the American State Department found dangerous in 2018.
China is responding to the international scrutiny, not by helping the world with critical medical gear, but by ramping up its military aggression. Chinese intelligence sent a report to top leadership which stated that China needs to be ready for war with America.
“The report, presented early last month by the Ministry of State Security to top Beijing leaders including President Xi Jinping, concluded that global anti-China sentiment is at its highest since the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown” sources familiar with the report told Reuters.
“As a result, Beijing faces a wave of anti-China sentiment led by the United States in the aftermath of the pandemic and needs to be prepared in a worst-case scenario for armed confrontation between the two global powers.” the Chinese sources stated.

Chinese top leadership feel like there could be a war with America. This is important information for Americans to consider. President Trump is making sure that Americans know the truth of the origins of the coronavirus outbreak. It is also important for America to move vital medical supply chains closer to home.
China produces 80% of the active pharmaceutical ingredients needed to produce drugs in America and 96% of all antibiotics. Because of the coronavirus supply chain disruptions Americans were having trouble getting their medicines, we need to make sure that never happens again.China is an inhumane and hostile nation and must be treated as such.
Joe Biden has shown time and time again that he is soft on China.
America needs Trump’s strong leadership now more than ever to handle this growing crisis.



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