Tuesday, February 25, 2020

7 pillars of socialism

These were just a few of the goals mentioned in another one of Skousen's books.  Remember he also wrote The Naked Communist (1958) and many more topics of interest and has been an retired ex FBI agent many years ago.  My professor in college used his textbook in class on more than one occasion along with his other textbooks in the late 60's.  

The Seven Pillars of Socialism

Millennials don’t understand that socialism wipes out the existing culture by force or convincing people to vote away their rights, essentially giving them to the government to use  for the “collective good.”
Paul B. Skousen, in his book, ‘The Naked Socialist’, discusses “the seven pillars of socialism” used to turn a nation from capitalism to socialism:
  1. Ignore existing laws and/or Constitution
  2. Privileged classes usually include upper class – party members.  Middle class becomes the bureaucracy while the bottom class are the workers.
  3. Eliminate private ownership for the “common good.”
  4. Regulation leads to total governmental control of economy
  5. Force used To enforce, implement policy or apply penalties, fines, social scores, fees, restrictions, no private property, no privacy
  6. Information control – control the message, control the people.   Everything falsified - economic data, mainstream news etc.  indoctrination of schools. Control private utilities and employment.
  7. Ignore all rights, including the right to private property—only the government can decide who can have what rights. (Skousen, pp. 5-8)
Since Millennials don’t read nor study much history, since they are the tech generation.  Maybe  they should watch the movie The Matrix – a celluloid “perfect socialist society with all humans in a coma, their brains running a program that grants them a fulfilling life while their bodies float in life-sustaining fluids with wires taking away electrical energy to support the vast communal intricacies of the Matrix.” (Paul B. Skousen, The Naked Socialist, pp. 90-91)
In real life, humans are not altruistic as to labor endlessly for freeloaders who refuse to work in order to find themselves. Societies across history were brought to the brink of disaster or extinction because their socialist tendencies were based on the collectivist good.

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