Monday, January 6, 2020

This has Nothing to Do with the World Problems, just a sad Day

Today I had to say good-bye to my friend of 14 years. Rick is retiring today from UPS and he has been my friend since Marie and I moved to the mountains. I am going to truly miss him and his friendship as in todays world it is very rare to find someone you can call friend. 

I had no delivery today and many times I'd see him and we would stop and chat as friends do. I am going to miss those times and I know he will as we both had tears saying goodbye today.

It is so very sad that people today are so self centered and care so very little how others are. What has happened to the America we of the older generation grew up with. It is very sad to say it will NEVER  be again as the America I came to know and love as my parents, grandparents and as far back as I can see is gone forever or until a New Republic is fought for and won again. 

You are my dear friend Rick and I will miss you now but see you in our next life. Be well, be happy my friend.    

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