Tuesday, August 6, 2019


The Democrats and Republicans are BOTH guilty of using mass shootings for political gain and that has become sick. BOTH parties are guilty of this and it is NOT the presidents fault.

Below is an example of this crap from when Obama was president and as much as I disliked him it was not his fault.

An Ohio Republican state lawmaker on Sunday blamed mass shootings in the US on former President Barack Obama, "fatherlessness," video games and "drag queen advocates" following two shootings this weekend in Texas and Ohio that left more than 30 dead. The state's Republican Party is now calling for her resignation.

We have already heard the liberals run their collective mouths blaming Trump for this and as shown above, it is NOT his fault. It was not Obamas fault when it happened under his watch anymore then Trumps. 

I am not the smartest person but I believe it has to do with many reasons and one is the lack of a stable family life. Both parents work, little to no supervision of children as I learned from parents/grandparents how to act, what was right/wrong and how to interact with others.

Now we allow our children to learn from TV, computers, and god knows what. The shooter in Ohio had red flags and no one did or said anything. He has a list of people he wanted to kill, girls to rape and no one said a damn thing. I remember a time when I did something wrong and my parents knew as others spoke up and let them know. 

I don't agree Video Games has anything to do with this other than show how to kill. Growing up we all had shows that showed killing but those that did were punished or executed for doing so. Now they go to prison many times they get out and repeat. Those that kill and there is no doubt about it such as now are NOT SUSPECTS. This crap needs to stop and if there is no doubt call them what they are. 

This clown in Texas is NOT a SUSPECT, but a coward who murdered innocent people and should be removed from the living in short order. Sometimes I wonder if I was on a jury could I vote for the death penalty as I don't know if I have the moral authority to do so. I then think of what that person did and I think they have lost their right to be here.

Hard decision to make but we must finds ways to stop the killing. It is not the guns, video games, or not being nursed as a child. The breakdown of the family unit I think is the main problem now. Children raise themselves and this must cease. 

Kids don't know HOW to raise themselves, take the responsibility PARENTS as you may be the biggest problem. 


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