Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Gillibrand - What a lightweight and joke

Too bad they didn't have a way of killing the unborn when her mother was pregnant, maybe she would have dumped her. If a woman wants to abort and she is unmarried and the man has no desire to keep the child, then the women SHOULD pay for it themselves NOT "WE THE PEOPLE" It is not mine or your responsibility to pay for women who couldn't keep her legs together or use Birth Control. Sounds harsh but the cost for killing an unborn child should not be taken from our tax dollars.

I can speak first hand as my first wife and I separated then I learned she was pregnant. I only found out at the last moment as she and her mother decided to abort the baby without me knowing and used her maiden name to do so. I found where she was going (Gainesville, FL) and advised them not to perform the surgery as I was the father, we are married, and I'd sue their butts. Needless to say, she was PISSED and threatened to go to an Alley Doctor if I didn't sign and allow her to see a regular doctor for the procedure. Her mother was fully supportive of this and helped set it up. I was weak, still loved her and signed. When I pass, I am going to have to explain to God why I wasn't stronger and save my child. I live with that all the time. I was given a second chance and found my Marie and my son John. Maybe God will forgive me and after seeing “Heaven is Real” I have hope I will see my child again and ask for their forgiveness.

If a woman needs an abortion “We the People" should not be forced to pay for them. Find the other partner in getting pregnant and FORCE them to pay one way or another. It is not the governments business paying for screwing and we need to get the hell out of the bedroom, backseat, or wherever it takes place.

I know a lot of politicians that should have been aborted and we would be better off. Too bad their moms didn’t know what was coming.  

This was to be about the named Liberal above but this pertains to ALL politicians and for them to get out of our lives. This person no   longer want to pay for killing babies. The liberal at the top calls us a "Racists" if we don't agree with her. To hell with her and all the damn worthless people like her.

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