Saturday, March 31, 2018

This Kid is Scary

I have not heard him speak, I have only seen him photos and the first thing I thought of was "Hitler" and the photos I have seen of him. His raised first also reminds me fo Tommy Smith during the olympics but he is no Tommy Smith.

Tommy was protesting racial inequality that happens in America and is still happening today. That is another item for another day. 

Today it is about a young person who comes across mean, scary, and not to bright when it comes to why we have the 2nd. Government is not to be trusted and this is the main reason Americans must protect the right to bear arms. Our forefathers knew that governments can and may try to become controlled by dictators once our freedoms are slowly taken. It will be like the frog you placed in cld water and slowly bring to a boil. You don't know what has happened until it is too late.

Why did 3 Colleges turn him down with a 4.2GPA?????????
Over 50 years ago my father told to be be armed as we would have to fight for freedom again as our rights and freedoms were being slowly taken. He is right and all you have to see is the National Debt this country has. No family would ever be allowed to become so much in debt like our country has.
Cold Eyes and Reminds Me of Hitler

When government takes our guns we as a free loving people are finished. I remember a movie that had a GREAT statement. The line was "People should not be afraid of the government, Government should be afraid of the PEOPLE". Government is not to be trusted as OUR government is corrupt, dishonest, and when the rubber hits the road, doesn't give a damn about "We the People". They only care about what "They the Congress" can get out of us.

If anyone thinks this kid gives a damn about We the People is wrong. He loves the limelight and attention. Because a person on Fox spoke out and may have been a little harsh folks have turned on her and she may now be fired for "Freedom of Speech". they have that right of course and I as an American have the right to no longer use their products. When free speech is blocked, lousing our freedoms is right behind and coming fast.

Below is a partial list of companies that may or have left the program and tried to shut down free speech. They leave her show, I leave their products.

Top Laura Ingraham Advertisers

2. @ATT - Poor coverage
3. Nutrish - Just another Cook Show
4. @Allstate & @esurance - High Rates
5. @Bayer
6. @RocketMortgage Mortgage - Complaints
8. @Arbys - Pressed Roast Beef
10. @Nestle
11. @hulu
12. @Wayfair - Made in China

Johnson & Johnson (who cares) told HuffPost that it “will pull advertising from Ms. Ingraham’s show.” Stitch Fix (what is stitch fix) also confirmed that it would stop purchasing ads on her program. A representative for Jenny Craig said, “We have decided to take steps to discontinue advertising on this show.”
After seeing this list on the net, won't be a great loss as only Hulu was of interest.
Remember just because I may not like what he is saying or how he looks. He has that right and many people have or carry guns to protect his right to speak.


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