Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Joyce Behar - Ignorant Loud Mouth

I just saw the above piece of trash say anyone who speaks with god has a mental health problem. Listen you igorant BITCH. My late wife who was the finest person I have ever know told me so many time she had spoken with god about various things and when she would tell me I called her "Spooky" as they were correct. 

We were married in 1983 and a few years later she told me she would pass when she was 68 that the lord had told her. I kind of passed it off as I was not the believer she was and not as religious. 

Well you foolish women, I tried to clean up what I think about you as Marie wouldn't want me to call you what you are. She passed at 68 from Ovarian Cancer after a three year battle with the cancer. 

Your trash and would like to say more, but your not worth it. 

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