Sunday, September 24, 2017

Football - Baseball - Basketball

Finally had enough of these sports. Now that they have decided to go Political I turn them off. Next year will be the first in many years no Direct Ticket for football. I will stay with college football where they understand on the field it is game and the political comments stay off the field.

That is the start, as I pretty much left baseball after those cry babies canceled the World Series over money but that is what this country has come to. The only thing that kept me somewhat watching was Mark and Sammy but they were cast out for using Steroids or whatever. Ever hear about UPPERS (SPEED) that so very many of the players took in the 50's and 60's? Did they get penalized, hell no and their records stayed. I played and pitched up to college where I tore up my elbow so I can not understand any player things they are more important then the game itself.

Basketball is the next sport to be canceled on my TV after these brilliant players decide it was more important to become political then better players. Most of them didn't finish school and so very many can't speak correct english or spell. 

As long as players think they are above the sport that provides them a great income this crap will go on. I only hope some owner will say enough and not allow political statements on the field. 

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...