Thursday, June 1, 2017

Broken Promises

Trump is breaking more campaign promises then many many former presidents. At this rate he will be a ONE TERM president and as a moderate I have become very tired of his actions and lack of keeping his word. 

His "Drain the Swamp" statement has become a joke as nothing is being done to get rid of the bums in various positions (VA is a great starting point). All we are getting from Trump and talk. Being from Missouri we have a phrase, "Talk is Cheap, Show Me" but we get nothing he promised. 

Democrats are not helping this country and don't give a damn. All those jerks want is to be in power, raise taxes, give a bunch of lazy asses YOUR money so they can keep getting their votes. They don't care about this country or the freedoms we USE to have. 

Since my late father and a vet from two wars told me to be armed as we will have to once again fight for freedom, that time is getting closer. Our founding fathers had a great idea but they also knew we would have to fight again and that is why we have the right to be armed.

Many times I have mentioned the constitution and how it has been trashed. All military men and women are sworn in to Protect our constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. It is almost to the point where our own government has become the enemy of freedom our fathers fought and died for.

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...