Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Got to love this New York idiot Chuckie Schumer. How many times did the democrats tell us if the government was shut down old people will die, Armed Forces would not be paid, Social Security would not be mailed and god knows what else if the terrible Republicans did something that caused the government to cut down. It is so refreshing to hear this moran threaten the dems will shut down the government if the terrible republicans reduce foreign aid to countries that hate us, reduce monies given to the worthless EPA and shut/reduce other programs that do nothing but suck our dollars. 

Please Chuckie, shut the government down and maybe we can get rid of some more duplicate programs and waste in this government. Isn't it about time someone said enough to government wasting our dollars? Why do we continue to funds programs that don't work after year and year. Has Washington ever canceled a program or stopped foreign aid going to countries that hate us? It is way past time to do so.

We should tell our so called friends that either you support us or aid will be reduced or stopped. Cut funds to the UN and let the liberals scream about how bad we conservatives are. I'd take that as an honor.

Shut the government Schumer and I'd love it.


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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...