Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Sick to Death of Democrats Crap along with ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, and NBC

Schumer, Warren and all the others who think they have the high ground are sinking in Quicksand. America has voted to get rid of their thinking and take freedom back from government. We either take our country back by vote or in the future it will be by force. 

Chuckie Schumer needs to get a real job as he is doing a terrible job for the country. He doesn't give a damn about the country only what power he and the dems can get. Republicans may not be much better but we may have a chance now to do something. Warren, better know as the indian liar from MA. She has no ground to say much of anything as she is a KNOWN liar and yet the dems support this loud mouth.  

On to the networks and the crap they do. I stopped watching these liars years ago and follow the Wall Street Journal, all internet writings, Fox News, Fox Business along with all the different newspapers I can get.

Right now listening to some dumb ass democrat try to explain why the dems are not getting the cabinet through. More kiss ass dems who are afraid of Chuckie and Nancy. What the hell is there to be afraid of with a women who as majority leader in the house tells the american people "We have to pass it to know what is in it". I thought is was Dip S--T to write bills and not some lobbyists. My god what has happened to our government. 

Both side need to watch the movie "DAVE"  and try to do their F-ing job. 

Trump, I will warn you now that you better do what you said during the election or I for one will not support you. The military needs to be rebuilt after the boy wonder. Our allies need to step up and in the middle east, determine who is our friend and who is not. Cut aid to who is not. 

There are so many things I can speak to such as the Russian joke, not supporting Ukraine. We had them surrender their Nuclear Weapons if we gave our word to protect them along with Europe. Our word was no good and if they had kept the weapons, Russia would not have started that war. Why would any country trust us during the boys rein. He is gone now and WE MUST STEP UP.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

its like the f.b.i. paying for the release of one of there own in iran. we were not supposed to negosiate with terroists. dems are bring down our country

Unknown said...

I don't watch any news anymore weather channel, expedition explorer, movies, history channel, amazon, british news.....sick of the whole list above...judi seifried


 This piece of shit Judge should be removed from the case as his family is making a profit from this sham as his f**king daughter works for ...