Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Can't Help Myself

After reading this story below in the Huffington Post I can not keep myself from calling Harry Reid what he is, ASSHOLE. Yes I have tried to keep from using that language here but this liar, crook, un-American SOB just brings out the best in me.

We all need to remember he can say things in the Well of the Senate and can not be sued for liable or slander. Well, he must have forgotten where he was as the things he said for the article were not spoken there and I hope Trump will sue this liar and crook back to where he was when he joined the Senate. He became a member of the senate and WAS NOT A Millionaire as he is upon leaving so maybe paying a lawsuit would be payback for all the harm he did to "We the People".

You don't earn enough money as a Senator to become a millionaire unless you are a crook such as getting info for insider trading. Read the attachment below that came from the Huffington Post and you will understand my rant.


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