Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Kaine is one Nasty Pit Bull for Hillary

This so called debate between Kaine and Pence turned out to be nothing more then Kaine being nasty and talking over the moderator and Pence. I have watched a lot of so called debates and this was the worst. 

If the Hillary camp wanted someone to be just plain nasty and not talk about the issues that is what they got. I would have told him to shut up when it was my time to speak and as far as the moderator, she was very weak and may have earned the right to be called one of the  worst. She could not control the on going interprutions that Kaine kept up. 

If other countries could see this, it only shows how low America has sunk to have our possible future vice president speaking as Kaine did. What a piece of crap.

One thing I did notice was when Pence mentioned something about Hillary, Kaine would speak over him and attack. What do they have to hide?

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