Monday, August 15, 2016

Trump May Not be the Best, BUT

He was never my first choice but where else can we go. Hillary, hell no as she is the worst thing that could happen to America and the freedoms our father, grandfathers fought and died for. She and the sexual predator husband HATE the military and will further weaken our country. If she is not stopped the day will come very soon where we will be at the mercy of Russia/China and they will tell us what to do. 

Our young people do not know what freedom is as so much of our government is no longer caring nor open two "We the People". They pass laws they don't have to follow, have private health insurance not Obamacare as We the People do. Remember they the congress can pass laws they do not have to follow. How the hell did that happen? Where did the We the People give up control of OUR country or was it stolen on late nights and under our collective nose.

Trump may not be the answer for all our problems and could make it worse BUT we know for sure HILLARY would continue the course set by the community organizer. Some elected president once asked "Are you better off now" and that answer is a big HELL NO. Whites, Black, and Hispanics are all worse off. More racial divide and that plays into the liberal hands so they can play on group against the other.

Why the hell are black americans no better off now then they were 40+ years ago? One word would be Liberals (Democrats) and they would be correct. Why not for once get the courage to THINK for yourself and vote for Republicans who Dr. King supported. Yes he was a Republican.

Over my many years I have seen our country become weaker under democrats and now we have Jumping Joe Biden out helping Hillary. Remember, he told a person in a wheelchair to stand up not once but a number of times. What has he or any Democrat done that REALLY helped the poor except to make them more dependent on hand outs.

Try something different and who knows. 

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