Friday, October 2, 2015

Putin Wins

Our liar of a President has just been bent over and taken it for his childish view of the world. Putin is pulling the strings and telling the so called United States what to do. Remember, Obama said he was going to change America and he has. Our country is now a shell of its former self. We should all thank the liberals and those who have forgotten how hard it is to be free. That famous light on the hill is now gone, thanks Barry.

Since Vlad is killing the freedom fighters we were helping, all 9 of them, it is time to provide shoulder fired rockets to down Russian aircraft and send them back home in body bags as we did once before. If this gutless president can't, I hope other countries stand tall and help. No country on this planet can trust Obama as his word and the word of our country means nothing.

Our fathers, grandfathers and uncles who died to keep us strong free would not understand what has happened. Two words can sum it up, Liberals and Obama.

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...