Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Admiral James Lyons: US Security Agencies Commit 'Treason'

U.S. national security is being compromised by President Barack Obama's lawless liberal agenda, says retired U.S. Navy Admiral James "Ace" Lyons, former commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations.

"It really goes back to when he was still senator in 2008, when he declared he would fundamentally change America. Most Americans didn't know what that meant," Lyons said Monday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.
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"I have to say look at America in 2008, what was wrong with it then? We had some problems, but nothing like what we have seen today."

Lyons says the nation's top security agencies have been infused with the ideology of Islamic fundamentalism and the Muslim Brotherhood.

"They penetrated every one of our national security agencies. They've had undue influence on our policies for the Middle East," he said.

"What we have is an antiwar activist on a global war on terrorism as our president. They've reversed ideology, that it's American power that has caused most of the world's problems is at the core of their belief."

Lyons said the liberal agenda is being pressed under the guise of "political correctness."

"[It] has infected the leadership in all our civilian and military agencies, and it's unconscionable what's going on. Actually, it's more than the Constitution it has violated," he said.

"There have been, in my view, actual treason been committed, and at the head of that is the Benghazi tragedy. 

"We used to have giants in Congress . . . When it came to matters of national security, they were Americans first and party took second place. We don't have that today, except for a few in the minority. It's unconscionable what's going on."

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...