Friday, February 14, 2014


This law breaking president needs to be impeached and now. He has broken the law and no action has been taken to stop him. His attorney general is no better and has not enforced the laws as far back as the "Black Panthers" with the steel batons at the voting station years ago. My god folks, if that had been a white person at a black precinct, they would be doing time. Barry has made this country see color of people more then any president in the last 50 years. He has divided our country and claims to be doing the peoples work.

He broke federal bankruptcy laws by sticking it to the bondholders and giving GM to the unions while "We the People" paid the bills.

If both parties would take a f-ing minute to remember they are to defend the constitution and laws THEY pass, by god stop this law breaking president. Maybe it is time for the Armed Forces to defend the constitution as they are sworn to do.

Barry will go down as the most lawless president our country has ever seen. President Nixon by comparison was tame and far better then this phony president.

Between Harry Reid not allowing bills to come up for a vote and Barry breaking the laws, the senate and house should just go home and let this imperial president do as he wishes. Maybe while at home, these so called men can find their balls to stand up and uphold the law.

If you believe the law breaking has gone far enough no matter what party you are in, call congress and raise hell.

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