Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Nothing Accomplished

What have we've seen over the last two weeks? Nothing but the same. No cuts, more spending, Obamacare that doesn't work, gridlock in DC and just more of the same. Does anyone know if those folks in DC who claim to know what they are doing have ever canceled a program that doesn't work? How about a program that has outlived its usefulness? If we were to look, the answer would be NO. Can't think of any and if anyone can name some, write so I can let others know what a wonderful job DC is doing in spending control.

It is only a matter of time before this country goes belly up and people will ring their collective hands and wonder how this could happen. When they do they should look in the mirror and they will see who caused it. Yes, it is we the American people for allowing this government to become bloated with waste. We elected (you not me) people like Harry the lip, Pelosi the tuna queen, Cruz who spoke and wasted time along with many others in BOTH parties. BOTH parties are to blame along with the voters and by saying voters, they know who they are that want to take care of us. The ones looking for a handout from the government. Remember, Obama Money, Obama Phones, $200 toilet seats, $150 hammers and much more.

The liberals with the help of some republicans have turned a once great country into the nanny state they have envisioned where people relay on the government to take care of them. How is it working out for everyone? 

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 If you fail to support Israel and side with Hamas, F -- YOU, you old son of a bitch. What the "F" will you do when Hamas kills a ...